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Criminal Law



 As an Attorney, Adam Michael Sacks recognizes that many

 good people end up in bad situations where a mistake was made

 that could result in criminal charges. These situations may have

 life long consequences if they are not properly handled. You need

 to have a knowledgeable Attorney right away to review the matter

 and give you the best possible counsel.



 Office Locations:


  West Los Angeles:

  468 North Camden

   Beverly Hills, CA 90210


  San Fernando Valley:

  6320 Canoga Avenue

  Woodland Hills, CA 91367


  Phone: 1-800-340-7320





 Whether you have been arrested for DUI, a traffic offence, or a

 serious crime, you owe it yourself to retain an experienced,

 competent Attorney who will work hard to protect your rights

 and minimize any fines or jail time.


 The Law Offices of Adam Michael Sacks can help you with

 such matters as: 

  • Violent Offences

  • Rape

  • Homicide

  • Drug Charges

 And many more! Time is a critical factor in any criminal case.

 If you are in legal trouble, don't delay, call for your Free 15 Minute

 Phone Consultation right away.


 " I am proud of the many cases we have handled in which

 our clients did no jail time whatsoever, even when they

 faced extremely serious charges.  When you hire me, I hit

 the ground running, keeping you advised and updated, and

 I am always available to help you.  Outcome is everything,

 so my  team and I will work tirelessly for the best possible

 one for you."



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