$2.8 Million Awarded to Murder Victim’s Family - Lawyer Blog - Los Angeles Lawyer - Adam Michael Sacks, Esq.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

$2.8 Million Awarded to Murder Victim’s Family

Despite disheartening occurrences that plague a court case, it is always encouraging when justice is served. Former Cleveland firefighter, Terrance Hough Jr., was recently convicted of three counts of aggravated murder and is now serving life in prison with no chance for parole. He shot and killed his neighbor and his neighbor’s two friends. Two other people were shot, but fortunately they survived.

The family of one of the victims was awarded $2.8 million, but it is unlikely they will receive any money, as Hough has no income. Although the family will not receive any money, I believe Hough’s sentence gives closure to the families and friends of the victims. The thought of knowing their loved one’s murderer will be locked away in prison gives them some form of solace that Hough will not kill again.

Keith Barton, an attorney for one of the victim’s family, said, “This was never about the money, it was always about the principle.” And I agree; this case serves justice and teaches that it is unacceptable to kill innocent people, and those who do kill will be punished.



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