Adam Sacks on KABC news - Lawyer Blog - Los Angeles Lawyer - Adam Michael Sacks, Esq.
Law Offices of Adam Michael Sacks

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 the San Fernando Valley

Phone 1-800-340-7320

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Adam Sacks on KABC news

And here I am, in the news. One of the most rewarding parts about being a successful attorney is to be able to help tough cases, it's not all about the money as so many people expect. The justice system in this country is the most robust and fair system I have ever seen, and I would know; I have traveled most parts of the world and nothing comes close. In a police state, the police literally has the say, you do not receive a trial or a jury. But this country was founded on freedom, and you cannot have that freedom without a fair court system.

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