Run, lawyer, run! Family Law Attorney goes Gump
See, even lawyers can think outside of the box! What’s a good way to get the attention of your local district court and its citizens when you want to be the next judge? Run for the election!
No, seriously. Run for it. Get your ass out there, rock those short shorts, and haul yourself across the entire god damn county. And do it with a smile!
Brad Morris, a distinguished family law attorney, mediator, and former associate judge (and apparently passionate long-distance runner) is making a statement this election season by literally running for Judge. His reasoning behind actually makes sense too. He’s out there to get a solid sense of the county, its layout, its citizens, and its needs. He welcomes all citizens of Harris County to stop and say hello, letting people know when he’ll be running and what routes he’ll be taking.
What a trooper. I hope the guy makes it. If I ran for Judge…well, I’d just sit on my ass and have someone make me commercials. Go Morris!