Adam Sacks does crime defense in Virginia - Lawyer Blog - Los Angeles Lawyer - Adam Michael Sacks, Esq.The legal system is exciting - Lawyer Blog - Los Angeles Lawyer - Adam Michael Sacks, Esq.Jon and Kate plus 8. And Hailey. And me. Wait, how many is that? - Lawyer Blog - Los Angeles Lawyer - Adam Michael Sacks, Esq.Lawyer starts his own blog, ruins Internet. - Lawyer Blog - Los Angeles Lawyer - Adam Michael Sacks, Esq.
Law Offices of Adam Michael Sacks

Offices in Beverly Hills and

 the San Fernando Valley

Phone 1-800-340-7320

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Adam Sacks does crime defense in Virginia

I know the video resolution looks awful, but the case was truly an ordeal to work on. Criminal cases in different states have different laws and regulations, but with time I've covered many people with different problems. As I've mentioned earlier, you hire me and you are truly hiring me, not an assistant or another family lawyer on my roster.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

The legal system is exciting

I truly love being a Lawyer. At times it gets scary, with death threats and angry parties; this isn't a job for the weak of heart. Sometimes you have to be involved with people that you wouldn't normally hang out with or spend time with, but it's your job as a Lawyer to prove their innocence, and when the trial is over it's a rewarding feeling to know you changed the outcome of another person's life.

And it's exciting. The tension in the room, the facts and perspectives being presented, the anticipation of the verdict. I can't imagine myself doing anything else, and that's why I'm the best at what I do. You have to love what you do, that is the drive that keeps you going.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jon and Kate plus 8. And Hailey. And me. Wait, how many is that?

Look here, folks, lawyers can get buzz too! As you can see, I've been featured in this week's "In Touch" magazine, with a little bit of legal counseling on the side of Kate...from Jon and eight.

I'm not exactly the "reality show" type, but it's kinda neat to be able to stick my head into the situation just enough so that people recognize I'm there and at the same time I don't have papparazzi showing up at my door. It shouldn't come to any of you as a surprise that reality shows such as this can stumble upon (or intentionally create) legal conundrums that us actually working professionals have to sort out.

But let it be said here...whether the pending divorce of Jon and Kate is a fictitious publicity stunt or genuine marriage dissolution, I'm in it for the Plus 8. It's bad enough that those poor kids have been subjected to pointless mass voyeurism, let alone a divorce including a potential new step-mommy with a drug history.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lawyer starts his own blog, ruins Internet.

Just kidding. Yes, I am a lawyer, no, I'm not going to ruin the internet. Not even lawyers can do that (unless you're working with the feds and media megacorps to destroy net neutrality, then, yes, you actually could ruin the internet. But I'm not that kind of lawyer).

What kind of lawyer am I? One that thinks he doesn't get enough time to speak his opinions in court and therefore must also submit the internet to his ramblings?

Sure. But I'm so much more than that. I'm a lawyer that cares.

Too fantastical? Too cliche? Too much like a car salesman or a lawyer that says he cares just to get your business and your money?

While I do enjoy getting paid, that's not the reason I got into this biz. I did it because I'm passionate about the law and because I'm passionate about making sure the law serves the public in the manner they deserve. We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, but even so, the system, as I'm sure you'll agree, is dangerously flawed. I'm someone who seeks to avoid those flaws so you can avoid unnecessary upset in what matters most...your life.

Here I'll be posting about contemporary legal issues in a not so legal manner. Legal mumbo jumbo doesn't exactly cause site traffic to spike, but entertaining insight on current events in the legal community may. So, check out my "About Me" page to find out how many Circuits for the US Court of Appeals I'm licensed to practice law before (FYI, it's a lot), and stick around.

Oh, and I'm also into Real Estate. In case you need a new place.

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